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The Imperial Chancellor moderated the Imperial Court, [1] and represented the Emperor's interests when the Hantei was unavailable to appear in court. [2] It was one of the highest positions in the Emerald Empire, [3] second only to the Emperor and the Emerald Champion, and at the same level than the Imperial Advisor. [4]

Imperial Chancellors[]

The following is a listing of the known Imperial Chancellors:

Kakita Yoshi ? - Present


  1. The World, A Stage, by D. G. Laderoute
  2. Emerald Empire: The Essential Guide to Rokugan, p. 51
  3. Legend of the Five Rings: Roleplaying Game (Beta), p. 25
  4. Court Games (The Chrysanthemum Throne fiction), by D. G. Laderoute

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