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Please note: This article is about the merchant. For other uses of the term, please see Ieyoshi (disambiguation).

One-Eyed Ieyoshi was a scarred old merchant and crimelord of Toshi Ranbo, the Imperial City. In 1165 the Emerald Magistrate Shinjo Yushiro had left him cuffed in the city square for two days for shorting the Imperial Tax collectors. [1]

Criminal Meeting[]

This year someone was killing the crimelords of the city, and Ieyoshi's competitors Hiroshige, Oni Jakuchu, and Atshushi, had already been murdered by unknown assailants. The remaining leaders of the criminal gangs gathered together in a sake house owned by another of the most prominent crimelord, Takeda. Yushiro interrupted the meeting and requested any information that would aid him to detain the murderers, but he got no answers. Shortly after the magistrate was dismissed, three assassins infiltrated the room, and Yushiro rushed in to stop them. [2]


  1. Way of the Thief, p. 83
  2. Way of the Thief, pp. 83-84

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