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Please note: This article is about the boy who joined the Horiuchi family. For other uses of the term, please see Isawa Junichiro (disambiguation).
Horiuchi Junichiro 
Born: 1123 
Died: War of Spirits

Isawa Junichiro was ten years old when his parents were killed by the Lying Darkness at the Battle of Oblivion's Gate. He was found by Horiuchi Shoan, who took him in as one of her first children. He became Horiuchi Junichiro. Junichiro blossomed and eventually helped Shoan to care for the other children. He eventually left to study at a minor Iuchi family dojo. [1]


After his gempukku Junichiro wandered the Empire, seeking out and helping other war orphans. He frequently spoke out against Hantei XVI during the War of Spirits due to Hantei's cruelty to children and innocents. He died defending a temple in a small Crane village filled with peasant refugees fleeing the Steel Chrysanthemum's armies. [1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Secrets of the Unicorn, p. 79

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