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Hantei XXXVIII's Un-named Brother[]

Hantei XXXVIII's Un-named Brother
Born: Unknown
Died: Unknown
Parents: Hantei XXXVII
Siblings: Hantei Jodan, 

Otomo Tamekago

Spouse: Otomo Jiko
Children: Otomo Yoroshiku (adopted)

The third son of Hantei XXXVII, after Hantei Jodan (better known as Hantei XXXVIII), and Otomo Tamekago.  At some point, he married a Lion maiden named Jiko, from an unspecified family.


Unfortunately for the Hantei, Jiko had an affair with Shinjo Gidayu, a minor Unicorn daimyo. She died in childbirth of Otomo Yoroshiku, who was Gidayu's daughter.[1]The brother of Hantei XXXVIII never learned of his wife's betrayal, as the whole affair was kept quiet by a group of samurai who rescued Yoroshiku when the truth of her lineage came back to haunt her.[2][2]


  1. Code of Bushido, p. 6
  2. Code of Bushido, p. 38