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Please note: This article is about the Imperial prince. For other uses of the term, please see Daisetsu (disambiguation).
Hantei Daisetsu 
Hantei Daisetsu 
Born: Unknown 
Parents: Hantei the Thirty-Eighth
Hantei Hochiahime 
Siblings: Hantei Sotorii
Several un-named 
Titles: Imperial prince

Hantei Daisetsu was the Imperial prince, son of Hantei the Thirty-Eighth and Hantei Hochiahime. [1] One of his siblings was the Crown Prince, Hantei Sotorii. [2] Seppun Sanosuke was appointed as his personal yōjimbō. [3]

Appearance and Demeanor[]

Daisetsu dressed somewhat casually, and his unbound hair cascaded around his shoulders and down his back in a lavish display. His hair would all be cut off shortly after his gempuku, to maintain the traditions of the Imperial families regarding the length and style of men's hair. [1] Prominent samurai such as the Emerald Champion Doji Satsume saw Daisetsu as too weak to become the next Emperor. [4]

Lion - Crane Conflict[]

In 1123 the Lion and Crane Clans were in conflict for the contested control of the Osari Plains. The Crown Prince was in favor of officially ignoring the issue altogether, and allowing the two clans to settle it on the battlefield. Daisetsu was not entirely in favor of the idea. [1]


Iuchi Shahai was sent to the Forbidden City to teach the secret meishōdō magic to the Hidden Guard. Filled with grief for being forced to break her oaths, Shahai had decided to kill herself if not for the timely appearance of Daisetsu who convinced her to endure. [3] The couple began to meet frequently each other [5] and to exchange romantic letters. [6]

Imperial Abdication[]

Hantei Sotorii was arrogant and willful, even cruel at times. There was also a darkness within him, a shadow cast across his soul. The Emperor believed that Sotorii was not ready to sit on the throne, and that he never would be. After pondering the matter with the Emerald Champion Akodo Toturi, the Emperor declared in an Imperial Edict that his younger son, Daisetsu, would be his heir, rather than Sotorii. An old man, of failing health, the Emperor was expected to abdicate and retire soon, passing the throne to his heir. Since Daisetsu was not yet of age, he would ascend as Emperor under the guidance of a regent, the Scorpion Clan Champion Bayushi Shoju. [7] His father's decision had been fueled by the duel between Daisetsu and his older brother. Daisetsu was championed by his friend, Bayushi Dairu, son of the Scorpion Champion. [8] Sotorii did not accept Dairu's victory, and he performed a dishonorable behaviour in front of prominent samurai such as his father or the Emerald Champion Doji Satsume. [9]

Hantei's Death[]

Shortly after Daisetsu knew his father's death, Shahai reported her encounter with the Crown Prince, which interrupted Sotorii's seppuku. She eventually discovered the truth about the Hantei's death, who had been killed by Sotorii's hand. Daisetsu confronted Sotorii, and in the ensuing fight Shahai slightly wounded the Crown Prince. Daisetsu aided her to escape from the guards and swore to accompany her during her forced exile. [10] Punishment for striking the Hantei was outright execution. [11] When they were fleeing, Togashi Mitsu found them, telling that his Lord Togashi Yokuni, who was a renowned seer, had sent him to aid the Prince. [12]

Crown Prince[]

Unbeknown by Daisetsu, shortly after he fled from the capital, the edict issued by his father before his death was announced in the Imperial Court. Daisetsu was publicly proclaimed as his rightful heir, and Bayushi Shoju was appointed as the Imperial Regent until Daisetsu came to age. The late Emperor had chosen his younger son over Sotorii, who would retire to a monastery. [13] The Imperial Court presumed Daisetsu had been kidnapped by Shahai. [14] Daisetsu's goal was to reach Khanbulak, and from there it would be only a small step to leave the Empire. The trio took different nicknames, Minoru for Mitsu, Kane for Shahai, and Akio for the Crown Prince. Eventually they reached a monastery inside the edge of Dragon lands, where a group of Perfect Land followers formed by two rōnin, Ichirō and Satto, and three peasants, Torao, Hoshu, and Yuki, offered them shelter for the winter. [15] The traitor Shoju, who had violently seized control of the Forbidden City, was killed, and the Shadowlands horde led by Akuma no Oni was defeated in the Battle of Cherry Blossom Snow Lake, where the Oni Lord was killed as well. [16]

External Links[]


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