The Great Famine was a major catastrophe in the second half of the 7th century. A decade of starvation, disease, open warfare, tyrannical leadership, and social upheaval. From 660 [1] to 665 Rokugan suffered abnormal bad weather and the failure of crops. Rokugan would have its first normal harvest in 666, but the effects of the Great Famine would take years to recover. [2]
The Water Fever caused many deaths in Rokugan, and the Asahina were tasked with building hospitals to treat the disease. [3]
Wars for Food[]
Some of the Clans attacked their neighbors to loot food or seize arable lands, most notably the Crab who attacked the Crane in the Rice War. Later the Lion also attacked the Crane for food. [4]
Several cities rioted, most notably the City of Suffering and Ryoko Owari Toshi. The Clans, aided by the Imperial Legions, was forced to use force to restore the order. [3] The People's Legion, a group of dissidents formed by a commoner, seized the northwest of the Emerald Empire until their destruction later. [1]
End of the Famine[]
In the year 665 the Emperor's sister and prestigious nakodo, Otomo Madoka, made prestigious marriage arrangements for all the children of Master of Earth Isawa Michikata, who in return restored the Empire's croplands. Rokugan enjoyed its first normal harvest in six years. [5]
The Emperor at the time, Hantei XX, and the Emerald Champion, Akodo Kenburo, [1] ended up in Toshigoku after their deaths. [6]
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