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The Fallen Mountain Dojo was the dojo of the Badger Clan. Very few people remembered that this minor clan existed, and just before the Clan War they were nearly destroyed by an oni. Since that time the few surviving Ichiro had banded together in an effort to rebuild. Unfortunately they did not posess the manpower nor resources for such an undertaking. Mostly they hired themselves out as mercenaries, making koku to aid in the rebuilding. The dojo itself was located in the City of the Rich Frog and was established there by Daimyo Ichiro Kihongo who took over the Badger Clan after the death of the ruling family. [1]


The Badger style borrowed much from the Crab Clan, from whom the Badger were descended. Feats of strength were considered essential to the mastery of the style, and students must endure vast amounts of physical punishments. [1]

De Facto Embassy[]

The dojo served as a de facto embassy for the Clan, and diplomats came there to pass messages to a Badger samurai, who in turn would deliver them to their daimyo in the north. A member of the Ichiro family was always posted there, as an authorized negotiator. [2]


The sensei of the dojo was Ichiro Tashimi, who was the last living master of the Ichiro style. [1]

Notable Sensei[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Way of the Samurai, p. 75
  2. Fealty and Freedom, p. 16

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