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The Eternal was the sister ship of the gaijin Garen Hawthorne's flagship, the Revenant. As such, it was present at the Battle of White Stag. It was the only one of Garen's other eight surviving ships to follow him on his quest for vengeance. Both the Eternal and Revenant were corrupted into malicious living ships when they entered the Sea of Shadows. [1][2]

Fighting the Mantis[]

In 897 the Revenantand the Eternal destroyed a Mantis fleet which was aiding the Crab in the corrupted seas near Crab shores. [3]

Fall of Otosan Uchi[]

Like the Revenant, the Eternal fought in and was destroyed during Daigotsu's attack on Otosan Uchi. However, the Shadow Dragon returned the Eternal to Garen along with the Revenant when Garen became his servant. [4]

Dark Wave[]

The Eternal was given to Yoritomo Kitao by Garen [5] to be a part of her Dark Wave Fleet when they became allies. During the final battle of the War of Fire and Thunder the Eternal was presumably dashed to pieces when it was sent into the island created by Phoenix Clan Master of Earth Isawa Sachi by a wave created by the Mantis Clan shugenja Yoritomo Kaigen. [1][2]


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