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Isawa Ekuro was a Void Tensai who left the Phoenix Clan for unknown reasons, becoming the ronin Ekuro. He wandered the northern Empire trained in every dojo he was admitted, becoming skilled in all manner of weapons. [1]

Defending Houko[]

Ekuro was at Houko when a Mirumoto army attacked the Lion village, shattering the defending Lion troops. The shugenja knew the Mirumoto commander, and thus knew Houko would be put to the torch. In the gates of the village he challenged the approaching forces, summonning a Katana of Fire. When a Mirumoto Swordsman disarmed him, he summoned a Bo of Water. Once broken, he called forth a Tetsubo of Earth, later a Yari of Air, and finally he slew the Mirumoto general with a dart summoned from the Void itself. [1]


Ekuro spent months recovering, while the story of his deeds spread, and shugenja from across the Empire came to him to learn his lessons. Ekuro taught them how to create and wield the Elemental weapons, and eventually the Order of the Five Weapons was created with these new followers. [1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Secrets of the Empire, p. 138

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