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L5r: Legend of the Five Rings Wiki

Ekibyōgami was the Fortune of Pestilence. A spiteful Fortune who spreaded disease and blights, Ekibyōogami ultimately served Jurōjin, the Fortune of Longevity, and maintained balance so that life never overtakes death. The Doji kept the largest of the Fortune's shrines, and a portion of every major crop was burned at Ekibyōgami's altar so that he would not seek his dues himself. [1]

Clear Water Village[]

During the second century, Ekibyōgami made its displeasure with Clear Water Village known. A terrible plague swept through the settlement, and even the the fish seemed affected by the disease. The Fortune was eventually approached by a kodama of a humble willow, who bargained for the people's lives. When the disease miraculously vanished, the willow's once-strong boughs sagged, the bark became grey and soft, and its lush green left turned pale white. The locals venerated the Willow-Healing Kami since then. A blessed kobune ship, decorated with paper streamers and a torii arch, was maintained to reach the tiny island and considered by many to be a part of the Shrine of the Willow-Healing Kami. [2]


  1. Emerald Empire: The Essential Guide to Rokugan, pp. 162-163
  2. Emerald Empire: The Essential Guide to Rokugan, p. 160

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