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East Wind Riders

East Wind Riders

East Wind was an Otokodate which lived in the East Hub Village.


After the Fall of Otosan Uchi in 1159 the Tortoise maintained a nominal presence within the village. The East Wind were hired to protect the Tortoise's assets. [1] The East Wind used their pay to purchase simple holdings of their own within the city. [2]

East Wind and the Unicorn[]

In 1168 the East Wind led by Hokatsu aided Shinjo Shono in destroying the Sons of Shadow, Ninja bandits, who plagued the village. [1] Since then the East Wind aided the Shinjo family to administer the district, [3] and the forgotten troves of Tortoise gold discovered in the North Hub Village were used to fund their ronin allies. [4]

Unicorn Unit[]

The Unicorn created a cavalry unit assembled with former members of the East Wind that swore fealty to the Great Clan. [5]

Known Leaders[]

Known Technique[]

External Links[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Ruins of Otosan Uchi, Part 3, by Shawn Carman
  2. Enemies of the Empire, p. 200
  3. East Hub Village (Rise of the Shogun flavor)
  4. North Hub Village (Rise of the Shogun flavor)
  5. East Wind Riders (The Plague War Title)

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