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Moshi Douhai was a bushi of the Centipede Clan who became a ronin, Douhai.


Douhai was drunk, and loudly decryed his daimyo's discrimination against men at length. He was caught desecrating a minor shrine to the Sun Goddess. The Moshi Daimyo Moshi Jukio banished Douhai from Centipede lands forever. [1]


Douhai made a name for himself in Jukami Mura as one of the best caravan masters outside of Unicorn lands. The ronin had a reputation for quick delivery and fair, honest trade. Through a series of employers Douhai eventually became head of what was now known as the Merchant's Shield, a group of relatively trustworthy and reliable ronin mercenaries. [1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Secrets of the Crane, p. 15

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Toturi's Army This Ronin related article is a stub. That means that it has been started, but is incomplete. You can help by adding to the information here.