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Daidoji Hayaku (TCG) 
Born: Unknown 
Died: Unknown 
Parents: Kakita
Siblings: Doji Yasurugi
Doji Konishiko 
Titles: Daidoji family Founder

Doji Hayaku was the son of Kakita and Doji-no-Kami, and the founder of the Daidoji family as Daidoji Hayaku.

Daidoji Founder[]

Doji Konishiko, the Crane Clan Thunder, never returned from the Day of Thunder, and Shukujo, the sword forged by her twin Doji Yasurugi, seemed forever lost in the Shadowlands. Lady Doji saw images of her lost daughter, and she was convinced that Konishiko was somehow still bound to the realm of the living. Swearing to find his older sister, her youngest son Doji Hayaku embarked alone on a quest into the Shadowlands. Three years after he left, Hayaku returned, carrying Shukujo. The toll of three years in the Shadowlands had changed Hayaku. Scars raked his throat, robbing him of his voice, and his raven hair had turned white. For his deeds, Hayaku was made a daimyō of the Crane and charged with the defense of the clan. To honor him, they called him “Daidoji.” [1] Hayaku turned his residence into a fortress, Son of the Crane Castle to ensure that the Crane would always had defenders at the ready should crisis come. [2]

Preceded by:
Daidoji Daimyō
45 - ?
Succeeded by:


  1. Courts of Stone, p. 61
  2. Adventures in Rokugan, p. 323

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