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The Council of Elemental Masters was a group of great shugenja of the Phoenix Clan who denominated themselves as Elemental Masters, each one mastering one of the elements: Air, Earth, Fire, Water, and the Void. [1] These five preeminent shugenja each had learned from their predecessor. [2] They dressed in elaborate silk robes, with winged kataginu each marked with a different mon of an element captured within a perfect ring. [3]

Phoenix Rulers[]

The Elemental Masters guided the Phoenix Clan since its inception, [4] and these masters were almost always drawn from the Isawa. [5] They were protected by an elite cadre of hand-selected bushi, the Order of Chikai. [6] Elemental Masters usually met visitors in a subterranean chamber within the Grove of the Five Masters. [7]

Known Elemental Masters[]

Masters of Air[]

Isawa Asahina 4th century
Isawa Eju ? - Present

Masters of Earth[]

Isawa Akuma Akuma lived before the Kaiu Wall was built
Isawa Rujo ? - 1123
Isawa Tadaka 1123 - 1123

Masters of Fire[]

Isawa Taiko ? - ?
Isawa Tsuke ? - Present

Masters of Void[]

Isawa Ujina ? - 1123

Masters of Water[]

Isawa Ejuko c. 704
Isawa Kaiyoko ? - c. 1123
Asako Azunami c. 1123 - Present

Unknown Dates and Positions[]

The following were Elemental masters, but either their position on the Council of Five or the dates of their leadership are not recorded.

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  1. Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game
  2. Celestial Realms, p. 54
  3. Risen from the Flames, by Robert Denton III
  4. The Great Clans (Learn to Play Rulebook)
  5. Legend of the Five Rings - Roleplaying, p. 53
  6. Chikai Order Protector (The Fires Within flavor)
  7. The Sword and the Spirits, by Robert Denton III

Phoenix This Phoenix Clan related article is a stub. That means that it has been started, but is incomplete. You can help by adding to the information here.

Isawa This magic or religion related article is a stub. That means that it has been started, but is incomplete. You can help by expanding this article.