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The Champion of Jigoku was chosen by the Realm of Jigoku, roughly every thousand of years, to fight a war against Tengoku in an attempt to gain control of and corrupt the mortal realm.[1] It also could be chosen in another basis, and with another purpose, as Kali-Ma. [2]

Fu Leng stepped down[]

In 1169 Kali-Ma was reborn after the opening of the Black Scroll known as the Essence of Jigoku. She expelled Fu Leng from Jigoku, seeking to become its Champion. The Destroyer managed to ravage the Ivory Kingdoms in 1170, an event which led Jigoku to recognize her power, accepting Kali-Ma as its new champion. [3]

Rokugani Knowledge[]

Asahina Sekawa found several scrolls in the Tomb of the Seven Thunders that led him to discover how the avatar of Jigoku interacted with the realm. [4] He got insight that an impending menace threatened Rokugan. [5] It was supposed he discovered Fu Leng had been severed from Jigoku and a replacement would be found. [2] [6]

Celestial Tournament[]

In 1170 the Celestial Heavens chose their new agent on Ningen-Do through the Celestial Tournament, and Iweko I became the Champion of Nngen-do. Jigoku also saw fit to choose a new representative, [7] Kali-Ma. [2]

Known Champions of Jigoku[]

Era Champion Defeated by
Pre-Calendar Rakshasa Muhonarak
Pre-Calendar Kishenku Izumo
1st century
Day of Thunder
Fu Leng The Seven Thunders
12th century
Second Day of Thunder
Fu Leng The Seven Thunders
Destroyer War
Kali-Ma Daigotsu / Iweko I


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