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Bog Hag

Bog hag

Bog Hags appeared in their natural form as a loathsome green crone with sharp nails and jagged teeth. They thrived on stealing the skin from their human victims, especially beautiful young women. They wore the stolen skin like a suit, and could even masquerade as the victim for a short while. [1]


Bog Hags were meat-eaters and enjoyed the taste of human flesh, especially the flesh of women and children. [2] They lived in swamps and rivers, and would lie in wait in a body of water near a human community waiting for a potential victim to wander too close. As long as the hag could maintain a regular supply of food its lifespan was indefinite, and they regenerated even serious injuries when they slew a new victim. [3] The hags infiltrated Rokugan either through the bodies of those foolish enough to be alone near water inside the Shadowlands, or by slinking through various waterways that led north into the Empire. [4]


Bog hags were a solitary, viciously territorial race that would fight to the death over their hunting grounds. As they aged, they became more likely to assemble in groups called covens in order to better defend their territory. [4] It was known that some of the most powerful Bog Hags lived among the Rokugani, keeping an entire “wardrobe” of skins preserved with secret maho spells. [5]

Known Bog Hags[]

Bog Hag 3

Bog Hag

See also[]

External Links[]


  1. Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game: Third Edition, p. 281
  2. Legend of the Five Rings; Fourth Edition, p. 324
  3. The Book of the Shadowlands, pp. 116-117
  4. 4.0 4.1 Way of the Shadowlands, p. 45
  5. Book of Water, p. 126

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