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The Blue Chrysanthemum Dojo was a secondary dojo of the Emerald Magistrates in the Doji lands (the primary dojo being at the Castle of the Emerald Champion). It was built shortly after the Battle of Stolen Graves by the reigning Emerald Champion, who was a Crane. The Blue Chrysanthemum dojo itself was divided between two locations: one in the Crane lands; and the other near Otosan Uchi, which was attended mostly by non-Crane students. The Otosan Uchi branch's fate is unknown after Daigotsu's attack on the Imperial Capital. [1]


The training practices were almost identical to any other Crane dojo, save for the extra emphasis on investigation and similar pursuits. It was rare for outsiders to be permitted to study there, as it had historically been reserved for the hand-picked assistants of a Crane Emerald Champion. The tradition was broken by Yasuki Hachi, who sponsored two non-Crane studying there, Hida Yasuhigo and Zeshin. [1]


Students of dojo found that it was easier to advance through the ranks of the magistrate orders, and they were taught time-honored investigative procedures that allow them to fulfill their duties with great success. [2]

Notable Students[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Secrets of the Crane, p. 90
  2. Secrets of the Crane, p. 91

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