Ben Peck, nicknamed as Flying Monkey, is an illustrator from the USA.
Web: Flying Monkey Art, Former Web (via WayBackMachine), Facebook
- The Way of the Dragon (3003)
- The Way of the Scorpion (3008)
- Code of Bushido (4003)
- Walking the Way (3011)
- The Way of the Naga (3014)
- Clan War
- Rulebook (12-001-1)
- Clan War
- The Clans (12-001-2)
- Crab Army Expansion (12-004-1)
- Lion Army Expansion (12-005-1)
- Midnight's Blood (4005)
- Winter Court Kyuden Seppun (3016)
- The Way of the Phoenix (3017)
- Bearers of Jade (3019)
- Void in the Heavens (4021)
- The Way of the Minor Clans (3021)
- Dragon Army Expansion (12-008-1)
- Unicorn Army Expansion (12-009-1)
- Toturi's Army and Yoritomo's Alliance (12-014-1)
- Call to Arms (CW1004)
- Player's Guide (3101)
- Game Master's Guide (3102)
- Rokugan Campaign Settings (3103)
- RPG covers