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Bayushi Ugawa 
Born: Unknown 
Died: Unknown 
Spouse: Un-named Bayushi 
Titles: Ugawa family Founder

Kaiu Ugawa was a samurai-ko of the Crab Clan who was married into the Scorpion Clan as Bayushi Ugawa and was granted her own vassal family.

Vassal family[]

In the 4th century Ugawa was responsible for the needless death of her unit, and as a covert punishment she was married into the Scorpion Clan. She believed there were no purpose for her among the Scorpion, but then found their forges lacking. Her techniques that she taught to her new clan's armoursmiths earned her a vassal family under the Bayushi, the Ugawa family. [1]

Preceded by:
Ugawa Daimyo
4th century
Succeeded by:


  1. Book of Earth, p. 36

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