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Please note: This article is about the Scorpion who became ronin. For other uses of the term, please see Toru (disambiguation).
Bayushi Toru

Bayushi Toru

Bayushi Toru of House Rokugo was bushi of the Scorpion Clan who became ronin, but continued referring to himself by his former Bayushi family name. [1]


Toru was a grim, solitary man who spent much of his time in the sake houses of any place where ronin congregated. Many considered him the worst example of what a ronin could become. [2]

Bayushi Yojiro's Spy[]

Toru during the War of Spirits was one of Bayushi Yojiro's most cunning spies, though his Scorpion membership often interfered with his work. Toru volunteered to become the Master of Secrets' personal agent. To the world Toru dishonored himself fleeĀ­ing his unit at Beiden Pass, becoming a ronin for his staged cowardy. He had since acted as Yojiro's underhand. The Shosuro Daimyo Shosuro Yudoka was the only other Scorpion who knew of Toru's existence. [1] Yojiro believed Toru was faster than shadows. [3]


Toru performed difficult missions, as killing a Goju who infiltrated the home of the Toritaka Daimyo, stealing nemuranai from Kyuden Isawa, or spying upon Bloodspeakers in the Twilight Mountains. [1] In 1166 he spied upon Lion armies assembled near the Unicorn border. [4]

Visited by the Lion[]

Bayushi Toru 2

Bayushi Toru

The Lion Clan passed a message to Yojiro through Toru, and one name was said, Shimizu. [5] They had been followed by Tsuruchi Kazushi for unknown reasons. [6]

Tsuruchi Kazushi 2

Kazushi seeing both men

See also[]

External Links[]


  1. ā†‘ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Secrets of the Scorpion, p. 22
  2. ā†‘ Secrets of the Scorpion, p. 21
  3. ā†‘ Bayushi Toru (Dark Allies flavor)
  4. ā†‘ Four Winds, p. 114
  5. ā†‘ Favor to the Horde (Path of Hope flavor)
  6. ā†‘ Scrutiny of the Wasp (Path of Hope picture)

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