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Goblin (TCG)

A Goblin

The Bakemono race, also known by the common term of Goblin, [1] were followers of Fu Leng, the fallen Kami. They lived in the Shadowlands, attacking the Empire alongside ogres, undead and legendary demons known as oni. [2] they also infested much of Rokugan's mountains and wilderness areas, but they were rarely a threat unless they attacked in large numbers. [3] Goblin often served as the foot soldiers in the armies that marched under the name of Fu Leng. Goblin chieftains usually ruled their wretched kin through cunning and occasional bouts of unexpected brutality. Goblin shaman had mastered strange spellcraft that often had grotesque, terrifying effects. [4] Lithe and bestial, goblins were individually of little consequence, but hordes of them could fling themselves in numbers sufficient to pose a major threat. [5]

Goblin Priests[]

Those singular goblins who achieved great power for themselves often do so by calling on the favor of Fu Leng, especially in order to become priests of their foul Kami. [6]

See also[]

Goblin (TCG) 2

A Goblin

External Links[]


  1. Dark Hands of Heaven, by Annie VanderMeer Mitsoda
  2. Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game
  3. Beginner Game: Rulebook, p. 45
  4. Legend of the Five Rings: Roleplaying Game (Beta), pp. 204-205
  5. Legend of the Five Rings - Roleplaying, p. 320
  6. Shadowlands: The Essential Guide to the Dominion of Fu Leng, p. 31

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