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Asako Togama (TCG) 
Asako Togama (TCG) 
Born: Unknown 
Titles: Asako Daimyō

Asako Togama was the Asako Daimyō.


Asako Haruki was Togama's cousin. [1]


In the Dragon Heart Plains Togama was the judge during the duel between Isawa Rujo, the Master of Earth, and the Scion of Earth, Isawa Tadaka, who eventually became the victor, at the cost of grievous wounds and scars in his face. [2]

Imperial Court[]

Togama was visited by Doji Fumiki, who had a reputation as the most virtuous of courtiers. Ide Tadaji pleaded that the Imperial Regent Bayushi Shoju intervene in the Lion's invasion of Unicorn lands, a petition which was backed by Togama, alongside with Doji Fumiki, against the opposition of Ikoma Ujiaki, the Lion ambassador. Shoju denied Tadaji's request despite Togama had claimed that as Regent he must accomplish the celestial will of maintaining peace and harmony among the people of Rokugan. The old daimyō was not aware that he was part of a plan devised by the Imperial Chancellor Kakita Yoshi to undermine Shoju's grip on the Throne. [3]

Preceded by:
Asako Daimyō
c. 1123 - Present
Succeeded by:

External Links[]


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