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Asako (TCG) 
Born: Unknown 
Died: Unknown 
Titles: Asako Founder

Lady Asako was the founder of the Asako family.


Asako had several followers before the founding of the Empire, and among them was renowned Jurōjin, a healer who rose to great prominence. [1]

Asako family[]

At the dawn of the Empire, Asako, a skilled healer, became prominent among the followers of the Kami Shiba. She combined healing with the acquisition and study of lore. Eventually Asako was granted with her own family among the fledging Phoenix Clan. [2]

Path of Man[]

The Path of Man was the title the Asako Henshin used to label their pursuits into enlightenment, divinity, and ascension. Given to Asako by Shiba, who in turn received it from Shinsei, the Path of Man was a way to apotheosis for all mortals: a means by which humans can, one day, ascend to become a race of what amounts to gods. [2]

Day of Thunder[]

Shiba entrusted his sword, Ofushikai, to the care of Asako on the Day of Thunder, [3] when Fu Leng was defeated, Shinsei and Shosuro returned with the Black Scrolls, Kuni himself met them as did Togashi-no-Kami, who had expected them. Before succumbing to her wounds, Shosuro gave Kuni an account of the battle between the Thunders and Fu Leng. They kept the record secret, guarded. [4] Shosuro's account was written in one of the Asako family cyphers by Lady Asako herself. [5]

Preceded by:
Asako Daimyō
? - ?
Succeeded by:


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