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Kakita Artisan (TCG)

A Kakita Artisan

Artisans in Rokugan were creators, advisors, engineers, and scholars of art. [1] Most lords had at least one or two artisans resident at their castle and work to attract prominent artisans from elsewhere to visit their court and exhibit their works. [2]

Artisan Schools[]

Clan Family School
Crab Clan Kaiu family Kaiu Architect
Crab Clan Kaiu family Kaiu Engineer
Crane Clan Asahina family Asahina Artificer
Crane Clan Kakita family Kakita Duelist
Crane Clan Kakita family Kakita Swordsmith
Lion Clan Kitsu family Kitsu Medic
Phoenix Clan Shiba family Shiba Artisan
Unicorn Clan Iuchi family Iuchi Meishōdō Master
Imperial Families Miya family Miya Cartographer
Imperial Families Seppun family Seppun Astrologer
Badger Clan Ichirō family Ichirō Ironsmith
Rōnin - Artisan of the Roads

Artisan outside Rokugan[]

Nation School
Yobanjin Woolen Hooves Trapper

External Links[]


  1. Legend of the Five Rings - Roleplaying, p. 56
  2. Emerald Empire: The Essential Guide to Rokugan, p. 27

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