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Ancestral Sword of the Dragon Clan 
Ancestral Sword of the Dragon Clan
Created by: Unknown
First used by: Mirumoto
Currently in the possession of: Broken and unused in Tengoku

The Ancestral Sword of the Dragon Clan, also known as the Ancestral Katan of the Dragon Clan, was the hereditary blade of the Dragon Clan, traditionally carried by the Mirumoto Daimyo. Though the Togashi family had usually ruled the Dragon Clan, they had never been a particularly militant order, and had left stewardship of the Clan to the Mirumoto family. [1]


It was the same effects as jade in the minions of the Shadowlands and increased the duel capability of its bearer. [2]


The katana was first wielded by Mirumoto. [1] Mirumoto Satsu wielded the sword until his death at the hands of Hida Yakamo. The blade was later bestowed upon Satsu's sister, Mirumoto Hitomi, by Togashi Yokuni after her gempukku. [3]


Dragon Sword is Broken

Dragon Sword is Broken

In 1127 the blade was shattered by Hida Yakamo during the Battle of Beiden Pass, when he dueled Mirumoto Hitomi. He used the Oni's Claw to crush Hitomi's hand and shatter the blade. The shards were found by the Dragon, whithout trace of Hitomi, who was believed dead. [4]

Resting at Tengoku[]

When Amaterasu ordered that the Ancestral Swords be scattered among the heavens as retribution for the death of Onnotangu, the Dragon Katana was taken from Ningen-do and placed in Tengoku. [5] The katana was taken from the mortal realm and placed among the stars by Lady Shinjo. The wakizashi was placed in a shrine to Mirumoto Hojatsu. [1]

Known Wielders[]

See also[]

External Links[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Prayers and Treasures, p. 127
  2. Prayers and Treasures, p. 128
  3. Roleplaying in the Emerald Empire, p. 176
  4. Time of the Void, pp. 31-32
  5. Hidden Emperor, p. 55

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